A little while ago a friend linked to this podcast which features an interview with Sally Lloyd Jones. Sally is the author of The Jesus Storybook Bible - a book I highly recommend for all parents to read with their children. I cannot recount how many times I have read it to my boys and how many times I have been moved by these stories and how Sally connects them to Jesus. Recognizing that The Jesus Storybook Bible has had a profound affect not only only Christians and children, but that many people are not likely to pick up a book with "Bible" in the title or many adults are not likely to read a children's book for themselves, Sally has recently released a new edition entitled The Story of God's Love For You.

I recommend Sally's book and also this interview where Sally talks about her writing, but also how God shaped her and continues to use the passions He has given her for His glory. That goes far beyond writing "christian" books, but really using her abilities and passion to glorify God. If you have an interest in art, children or thinking through your vocation for mission and worship, I'd encourage you to listen in HERE.