• We are back to 2 services! Families, remember that we have children's programs in the 9am service and only a nursery (ages 0-5yrs) in the 11am service.
  • Please con tune to harvest veggies from our community garden. Take them home and share them with neighbours.
  • A fun and unique opportunity to join in and raise funds for New Hope Community. Join the "Dunbar Heights Bicycle Club". Registration for Ride for refuge can be found 
  • Sept 13th is our Neighbourhood Block Party and BBQ. It is our favourite way to start a new season at the church and a way that we want to love and serve our neighbourhood. So spread the news and bring your friends. It will happen from 12:30 - 2:30 outside the church along Crown St
  • The DHBC Fall Newsetter will be available on September 4th. It will contain important information and dates of events happening at DHBC as well as information about our ministries and mission for the next few months. It is one of the best ways to keep unto date with whats happening at DHBC.